Writing Prompts

Click the titles below each image to view the full writing prompt by Laura Davis.

The Importance of Obstacles

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which (s)he has overcome.” —Booker T. Washington Make a list of the obstacles you have overcome in life. Choose one to write about in detail. Tell us about the obstacle and what you had

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“The point . . . is not to record what you already know about what happened to you in the last 24 hours. Instead, it’s an invitation to the back of your mind to come forward and reveal to you the perishable images about the day you didn’t notice you noticed at all.” —Lynda Barry

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Death on My Shoulder

“Living a self-conscious life, under the pressure of time, I work with the consciousness of death at my shoulder, not constantly, but often enough to leave a mark upon all of my life’s decisions and actions. And it does not matter whether this death comes next week or thirty years from now; this consciousness gives

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Does Suffering Lead to Creativity?

“The artist is extremely lucky who is presented with the worst possible ordeal which will not actually kill him. At that point, he’s in business.” —John Berryman If you’ve experienced trauma in your life, do you think it’s fueled your creativity? Has it fueled your desire to express yourself in writing, or has it been

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Stories, Not Atoms

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” —Muriel Rukeyser Make a list of stories that make up your universe. Share part of your list with just enough detail to intrigue us. Then choose one story from your list to tell us the whole thing.

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A Thread of Purpose

“I don’t need to create my life. I only need to follow the thread that’s already there.” —Unknown Tell me about a positive thread in your life that has always been there. Even if you couldn’t see it at the time—but only in retrospect—tell me about one thread that has woven through your life and

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My Life At 20

“Eight of the ten things you have decided about yourself at the age of twenty will, over time, prove to be false. The other two things will prove to be so true that you’ll look back in twenty years and howl.” —Cheryl Strayed Where did you think you life was going at twenty? Who did

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how was writing changed your life? When I write, I become . . .

Who Do You Become?

“It’s not what you produce as you write that’s important; it’s who you become as you write that’s important.” —Louise DeSalvo, American writer How has writing changed your life? When I write, I become…

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How do you take care of your soul? Or how do you need to? What challenges does this present in your own life—historically or now?

Caring For My Soul

“You have the need and the right to spend part of your life caring for your soul. It is not easy. “You have to resist the demands of the work-oriented, often defensive, element in your psyche that measures life only in terms of output – how much you produce – not in terms of the

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Tell me about a Time life surprised you.

Life’s Surprises

“Each time I write, each time the authentic words break through, I am changed. The older order that I was collapses and dies. I lose control. I do not know exactly what words will appear on the page. I follow language. I follow the sound of the words, and I am surprised and transformed by

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How do you change when you are writing?

Writing as Transformation

“I have forced myself to begin writing when I’ve been utterly exhausted, when I’ve felt my soul as thin as a playing card . . . and somehow the activity of writing changes everything.” —Joyce Carol Oates How do you change when you are writing?

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Describe your grief in as much vivid detail as you can.

About Grief

“Grief is the rope burns left behind when what we have held to most dearly is pulled out of reach, beyond our grasp.” —Stephen Levine Describe your grief in as much vivid detail as you can.

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Tell me about something you waited for and ultimately birthed.

Waiting for Birth

“Everything is gestation and then birthing. To let each impression and each embryo of a feeling come to completion, entirely in itself, in the dark, in the unsayable, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one’s own understanding, and with deep humility and patience to wait for the hour when a new clarity is born: this

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