Arrival Day

I’m sitting in the spacious living room of Villa San Vento on the outskirts of Santiago de Compostela, in one of the houses we’ve rented for our group. All is in readiness. We’ve planned our first couple of days together. The rooms are made up. We’ve filled the refrigerator with food; Brenda and Andre have been prepping an arrival snack and dinner—yes, in addition to being our guides, they’ll be cooking most of our meals during the three days we’ll be at Villa San Vento.

This year, we decided to spend a few days before we begin walking the Camino focusing on group bonding and orientation, introducing writing and art to the group, and getting to know each other a little. It will give people time to get over their jetlag and adjust to a different time zone. We’re leaving for the airport in just a few minutes to meet our group. It’s always an exciting time. I know less than half of those who will be arriving; it will be wonderful to see the ones I know in person (some I only know from online writing classes) and great to meet those who are new. I feel a quiet happiness in my belly right now—kind of like holding a gift in my hands before I unwrap it and see what’s inside.

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