Thanks to Ativan I slept through my first night in Bali and woke up at 5 this morning, which is pretty close to when I awaken in California. I did my business in the outdoor bathroom, checked around for geckos (nope, haven’t seen any yet), threw on some new light-weight harem pants, a green linen tank top and my trusty slip flops. I grabbed my laptop and came out to the giant, brightly-colored couch with oversized pillows, which could comfortably host eight to ten people stretched out side by side, which I’d remembered as a favorite spot from prior visits. It’s right by the infinity pool and the sea of East Bali. There’s a woven roof above me filled with trilling birds. It has open sides, and it just started raining. I can feel the moist air on my skin and see the drops riffling the pool surface. There’s a warm-cool breeze and the rain is getting louder, but I’m perfectly comfortable in my bare feet and sleeveless shirt. Fifteen minutes later, the rainstorm is over. Breakfast starts in half an hour and I don’t know what I’m going to do today. I’m going to meander over to the dive shop on the property when it opens in an hour. I brought my PADI dive card and nitrox certification and my prescription mask, but it’s been six years since I’ve been diving—the last time I was in Bali. But already, underwater sounds like a good place to be. Right now I think I’ll get off the big couch and wander around the property…