Writing as a Pathway: Off to Commonweal


commonweal-car-packingThis is what my car looks like all packed up to drive to Commonweal. I’m carrying a case of Writer’s Journey sweatshirts, a Jambox speaker to play music and poetry, a shoe box full of evocative postcard images spanning 40 years to use as writing prompts, a computer, a portable printer, spare cartridges of ink, a necklace that spells out C-R-E-A-T-E in Scrabble tiles, a pair of fuzzy slippers, 24 beautifully lettered name tags in plastic cases, a stapler, various office supplies, a power strip, my c-pap machine and a half gallon of distilled water to go with it, a gallon of my favorite local chai, sneakers for hiking, files upon files of powerful poetry I read while teaching a retreat, an open heart, all the materials my co-teacher Evelyn needs to set up an altar, 30 years of experience guiding writers deep into themselves and their words, a desire to serve and speak truth to power, a pair of flip flops for walking to the sauna but no bathing suit, and for those of you who know me, my ever present Tibetan brass gong.

It’s time for Commonweal!

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